Fiberglass Tank Liners

These 5 uranium settling tanks were not able to be replaced due to the permanent infrastructure surrounding them.


  • INDUSTRY: Manufacturing & Technology
  • LOCATION: Illinois
  • YEAR: 2022
  • FOR MORE INFORMATION: Reference job C22-037



This facility had 5 carbon steel uranium settling tanks that were in almost complete failure. Due to the permanent infrastructure surrounding them within the facility, demoing them and bringing in new tanks was not an option. We began by abrasive blasting the interiors, and then installing self-supporting, structural and corrosion resistant FRP liners. We added 25% silica carbide into this 3/4 inch thick liner to provide better abrasive service as the tank contains such high solids. This was much lower cost and an estimated 1/4th of the time compared to attempting to replace the tanks.



In addition to Fiberglass, Universal Blastco specializes in coatings and linings, industrial masonry using brick, block and tile, concrete restoration and other industrial corrosion services. Request your quote here, email or call 803-773-6388.

tank interior with new fiberglass structural lining

removing lose debris from tank interior

laminators installing fiberglass lining in carbon steel tanks

carbon steel tank interior ready to be relined with fiberglass

carbon steel tank interior