HD Tank Upper Barrel Rebuild and New FRP Roof

Universal Blastco rebuilt the top 20 feet of this 1950’s HD tower, and built a custom FRP roof to replace the previous one.


Project Details

  • INDUSTRY: Pulp and Paper
  • LOCATION: Northeastern United States
  • YEAR: 2022
  • FOR MORE INFORMATION: Reference job C21-098

Due to years of freeze and thaw cycles, the top 20 feet of the upper barrel, as well as the roof, had collapsed from this 1950’s HD Tower.

Universal Blastco partnered with TAC out of Montreal to review the structural integrity of the remaining tank against current design standards. Together, we then engineered a new upper barrel that would hold up against future harsh winters. We then developed a plan to safely demo 20’ of the upper barrel, and rebuild the tank including new corbels, roof, overflows, and an equipment platform above the tank.

fiberglass hood hd tower Collapsed tile tower











  • Core samples were taken from around the tank to establish the strength of the concrete. We also demo’d windows in the tank to verify the rebar matched the drawing we had and to assess the condition.
  • Using this information, a Finite Element Analysis was created to model the tank’s integrity. This allowed us to verify that the remaining bottom portion of the tank would meet current design codes, and guide us into determining the correct design for the new upper barrel.
  • An existing building occupies the footprint around the tanks exterior. To support the portion of scaffolding that sat on the roof of the building around the exterior of the tank we installed shoring in the existing building to support the structural steel.
  • To demo the top 20’ and not cause any damage the surrounding building, we had to get creative in our demo methods. We covered the floor with sandbags to protect and filled the tank with water, we then demolished upper 20’ block by block and pushed the rubble into the water filled tank. We then drained the tank and removed the rubble.
  • The top 20’ was completely rebuilt with block exterior, tile interior, and reinforced a concrete core.
  • A new 42” manway was installed, as well as overflows on the side and the roof of the tank.



  • While our Brick, Block & Tile division were working on rebuilding the upper building, our FRP division was designing and prefabricating the new roof in our shop located in Delco, NC.
  • This new roof is 40’ in diameter. Due to restrictions with the existing piping elevations, the dome of the tank could only be 6’. A stainless steel compression ring held all the pieces in the center.
  • The panels were shipped to the jobsite and assembled on the ground. Once assembled, the inner seams were laminated and the 40’ cover was lifted by crane and set into place.
  • After the cover was set into place over the riser studs, FRP nozzles were installed as riser guides to allow the cover to lift in the event of an overflow.



prefabricated frp hood


Heavy Industrial Masonry work and Fiberglass work are two very specialty scopes. Universal Blastco was proud to be able to deliver both scopes to the customer, as this project required extensive coordination and collaboration between the upper barrel portion and the fiberglass roof portion.



In addition to FRP and Industrial Masonry work, Universal Blastco specializes in protective coatings and linings, rubber linings, concrete restoration, flooring solutions and other industrial corrosion services. Request your quote here, email blastco@isginc.us or call us at 803-773-6388.