Nozzle Repair, Blast & Reline Carbon Steel Tank

A Zinc Recycling plant had a carbon steel tank that was facing continual nozzle leaks. It got to the point that they had to consider replacing the entire tank. They brought this issue to Universal Blastco, and we worked together to create a custom solution to repair the nozzles.


  • INDUSTRY: Metals
  • LOCATION: North Carolina
  • YEAR: 2020
  • FOR MORE INFORMATION: Reference job S20-009


Q4 of 2019:

Custom solution for continual failures of nozzles and manways

After continual nozzle leaks within this tank, we assessed the problem and designed a custom solution to repair the tank rather than replace it. We used a combination of fiberglass inserts and hand applications to eliminate the through-shell corrosion problems.

Q2 of 2020:

Blast and Reline

A few months later, we replaced the lining of the lower 8 feet of the carbon-steel shell, and the first 18” of the stainless steel floor. This was to address poor application by the original contractor. The floor coating was strategically tied into the brick lining in the center of the tank.



We abrasive blasted with garnet in accordance with SSPC-SP-5.


  • 1 coat of 380 Primer at 3-5 mils DFT
  • 1 troweled 380 Primer + S1 Powder at approximately 50 mils
  • We chose to modify the 242 system by using 10 oz woven roving Ceilcote H-cloth (instead of the standard 1.5 oz CSM) to give the system greater abrasion resistance due to a previous catastrophic event that occurred in the tank.
  • 1 topcoat of 242 Flakeline at 15-25 mils DFT



In addition to coatings, Universal Blastco does blasting, linings, FRP work, industrial masonry, inspections, concrete restoration and more. Request your free quote here, email or call 803-773-6388.

interior of a carbon steel tank being relined

tank with containment